

HHAB Pizza Day This Friday!

Dear HHAB Scholars and Faculty, Make sure to bring $5 to school this Friday, April 5th, to buy a pizza lunch! To order a pizza lunch, you must sign up and pay at the order table that will be set…

HHAB Holi Festival

Culture Club and ISA are hosting the HHAB Holi Festival of Color this Wednesday, March 13th. Join us in color-filled fun on the basketball court from 3:00 to 3:30 pm. Tickets for the event can be bought from Mrs. Greenwood,…

Culture Club Festival!!

Dear scholars and families, The HHAB Culture Club is hosting a Culture Festival tomorrow, Friday, March 1st, from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. We are hosting this event in celebration of all of the beauty and diversity throughout our campus. We…

Faculty Door Decoration Event!

Faculty Door Decoration Event! The HHAB Interact team is organizing an exciting door decoration competition for all of our amazing Haas Hall Family. Each participating teacher will have a donation box stationed in their classroom. All scholars are welcome to…

Culture Festival!!

Dear scholars and families, The HHAB Culture Club is hosting a Culture Festival on Friday, March 1st, from 3:00 to 5:00. Scholars and families are encouraged to attend at delight themselves with the cultural dishes served at the event. We…