Jodi Simmons

Jodi Simmons

PFC Bake Sale Friday May 3rd

Parents and Scholars, tomorrow Friday, May 3rd, we are having a bake sale in support of our PFC. Scholars are invited to come by during lunch for a delicious treat. If you would like to support PFC, please feel free…

Teacher Appreciation Week May 6th-10th

Teacher Appreciation Week is Upcoming, May 6th – May 10th It’s wonderful to hear that Teacher Appreciation Week is being recognized! Teachers play such an important role in shaping the lives of our scholars and it’s great to see efforts…

Lego Club Hosting Jeans Day

The Lego Club is hosting a jeans day on Thursday, May 2nd. Do you want a break from the uniform bottoms? We have you covered to help the Lego Club raise money. Be comfortable on this long, extended school day…

Pie A Staff Competition

Next week Haas Hall Scholars will be given the opportunity to vote with their pockets. A fundraiser for the PFC during the Family Tailgate will entail the participating staff member that receives the MOST money raised will receive a pie…

PFC Tailgate Bake Sale

Haas Hall’s first annual family tailgate will feature a bake sale as well as plenty of food, games, and ice cream. We’ll have a variety of homemade and store-bought items for sale. If you’d like to donate something, please send…

Reminder Chromebooks Friday April 12th

Friendly Reminder: Dear Parents, Scholars, and Teachers, just a reminder that all Chromebooks need to be turned in to Ms. Jodi by the end of the school day on Friday, April 12th. To accommodate testing, please ensure scholars do not…